Traffic Management Plan (TMP)

lane and sidewalk closed traffic signs

Do you have a Traffic Management Project which requires Approval and a Permit from the City? Prior to obtaining this necessary Approval your Business will be required to present the City with a Traffic Management Plan (TMP).

The core basis and primary goal of a TMP is to maintain safe and efficient traffic flow, while also minimizing the lane closure inconvenience and potential road hazards for all users.

At Payless Traffic Ltd. we have the industry knowledge and experience to create a customized TMP to best suit your Project’s needs. This helps to ensure that you’re able to submit all the pertinent details to the City to obtain the required Permit.

Below you will find an outlined strategy and measures which we implement to minimize the impact of Lane Closures:

  1. Project Description – Details about the scope, nature, and duration of the Project
  2. Traffic Control Measures – Specific Tools & Strategies that will be used to manage traffic such as signage, cones, barriers, traffic signals, temporary road markings, and traffic control personnel
  3. Communication Plan – Strategies for informing the Public about upcoming traffic disruptions and alternative route solutions. This can be conveyed to users with road signage, public announcements, and digital communications
  4. Roles & Responsibilities – Assignment for Traffic Control Personnel (TCP), Lane Closure Technicians (LCT), and Site Supervisors to designate who handles the implementation and monitoring
  5. Road User Safety – Precautionary measures put in place for the safety of all road users including Pedestrians, Cyclists, and Motorists. This includes putting cones in places where there are pathways and crossings, along with ensuring there is adequate lighting and road user visibility
  6. Emergency Plans – Procedures for managing emergencies or incidents that may occur in the work zone, ensuring quick response times and route of communication with emergency services

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